2025-2026 Regular Session

Fiscal Notes 2025

Document Description
Senate Bill 266 - Revise minimum contribution amount allowed per beneficiary of Georgia Higher Education Savings Plan
House Bill 511- Insurance; deductions from taxable income for contributions by taxpayers to catastrophe savings accounts and interest earned on such accounts
Senate Bill 297 - SUT; exempt certain menstrual discharge collection devices
House Bill 284- Georgia Baby Bond Savings Program
House Bill 439 - Revenue and taxation; revise deductions allowed to dealers
Senate Bill 65 - Mandatory kindergarten for all children before first grade
House Bill 165 - Income tax credit; business enterprises for leased motor vehicles; repeal
House Bill 213 - Clean Energy Investment Tax Credit Act
House Bill 223- Tax relief on timber in disaster areas
House Bill 385 - Allow academically successful students to use full number of HOPE Scholarship eligibility
Georgia Good Faith Grant Act
House Resolution 42 - Ratifying Gas tax suspension during hurricane Helene
House Bill 567 - Authorize Tele-dentistry in the state
County board of health retain accrued sick leave if they transition to DPH
House Bill 248 - Tax credit for certain expenses incurred by taxpayers for certain geothermal machinery installations at residential dwellings
House Bill 97 - Expand Medicaid to individuals earning less than 138 percent of the federal poverty level
House Bill 206 - Amend the "Drug-free Postsecondary Education Act of 1990" to remove sale, possession or use of marijuana
House Bill 567 - Authorize Tele-dentistry in the state
House Bill 212 - Clean Energy Production Tax Credit Act
House Bill 144 - Income tax: Certain medical preceptor rotations; revise tax credit
Senate Bill 187 - Increase amount of tax credit on qualified caregiving expenses
Senate Bill 71 - Exempt NIL (Name, Image & Likeness) earnings by college athletes from state income taxes
Senate Bill 129 - Property Tax Exemptions; increase exemption for totally disabled veterans
Senate Bill 168 - Reduce state income tax rate by 1 percentage point annually until it reaches 0%
Salary schedule for teachers and other school personnel to be comparable to national averages
House Bill 290 - IRC update bill, revise terms and incorporate certain provisions of federal law into Georgia law
House Bill 66 - Ad valorem tax; expand definition of rental motor vehicle
House Bill 92 - Postpone date by which local governing authorities can opt out of base year homestead exemption
House Bill 196 - State health insurance, require self-administered drugs be reimbursed used index-based pricing
Senate Bill 52 - Ad Valorem Taxation; authorize local authorities to provide temporary relief on timber in disaster areas
Georgia Radiation Exposure Compensation Act
House Bill 153 - Extend sunset on exemption for concrete machinery & mix from 2026 to 2031
Senate Bill 46 - Government Serves the People Act
House Bill 297 - Ad valorem tax; define multipurpose off-highway vehicle
House Bill 229 - Exempt materials used in construction of capital outlay projects for educational purposes
Require coverage for necessary orthotic and prosthetic devices
Georgia Baby Bond Savings Program
Senate Bill 129 - Property Tax Exemptions; increase exemption for totally disabled veterans
State Employees Health Insurance include high deductible plans & HSA's
QBE: Pilot program to implement student-based funding recs of the 2015 Education Reform commission, make kindergarten & pre-k mandatory
Senate Bill 31 - Exempt military retirement pay from state income taxes
House Bill 136 - Income tax; contributions to foster child support organizations; expand tax credit
House Bill 94 - Require coverage for fertility preservation services when medically necessary for treatment of cancer, sickle cell or lupus
Support For Students Living in Poverty Act
Senate Bill 89 -Increase amount of tax credit for child & dependent care expenses to 40% of federal credit
Adjust school counselor ratio to 1:250 FTEs
House Bill 124 - Require coverage for PANDAS & PANS on state employees health insurance
House Bill 79 - Firearm Safe Handling and Secure Storage Tax Credit Act
Senate Bill 47 - 11-day sales tax exemption on firearms, ammo, gun safes, with a sunset in 2030
Senate Bill 47 - 11-day sales tax exemption on firearms, ammo, gun safes